Bulgaria is a country in southeast Europe. It joined NATO in 2004 and EU in 2007. Bulgaria is a traditional agricultural country. Roses, yogurt and wine have always been famous in the international market. If you want to develop in the Bulgarian market, you first need to register a Bulgarian trademark to show you how to handle the Bulgarian trademark registration.
- Conditions for the registration of Bulgarian trademarks
Any individual, enterprise or legal body can register Bulgarian trademark, but if there is no residence or business place in Bulgaria, it is necessary to designate a special trademark agency to register Bulgarian trademark.
- Bulgarian trademark registration process
After the agency submits the application for Bulgarian trademark registration to the Bulgarian Trademark Registry, the examiner shall examine the legality of the application documents, trademark drawings, letters of entrustment submitted ; those who meet the requirements will be granted the application date and application number.
- Substantive review
The Ombudsman will examine under Bulgarian trademark law whether the application is registrable, whether it is identical or similar to the prior registered trademark, and whether it is contrary to the terms of prohibition under the trademark law. For the Bulgarian trademark registration application that has not passed the substantive examination, the examiner will notify the applicant in writing and inform the reason for the rejection. The agency will submit the review in time after receiving the rejection notification.
- Trademark announcement
After examination, the censor believes that the Bulgarian trademark registration application can be registered and will be published in the official trademark announcement of Bulgaria. The objection period is three months from the announcement date.
- Approval of registration
An application for the registration of a Bulgarian trademark that is not established by an objection or is not contested during the notice period shall be approved for registration and a Bulgarian trademark certificate shall be issued.
Bulgarian trademark validity period
Bulgarian trademark law stipulates that the trademark shall be valid for a period of 10 years. Starting from the date of application, an application for renewal may be filed within 12 months before the expiration of the valid period of the trademark, and the valid period after renewal shall also be 10 years.