


在商标保护方面,比荷卢也是有统一的一套法律来保护。比荷卢联盟商标法于1963年4月25日、1968年8月19日和1969年6月30日分别被荷兰政府、卢森堡政府和比利时政府批准,1971年1月1日 正式生效,取代了原来比利时、荷兰、卢森堡的商标法规;1983年11月10日修改商标法,1987年1月1日生效;1989年7月1日生效的行政法规;1989年7月1日生效的实施细则。为了更好的适应欧共体协调法令,比荷卢联盟修改了商标法并于1996年1月1日生效。目前,一份注册申请效力即可获得比荷卢三个国家的保护。




比荷卢商标注册申请的受理部门为位于海牙的比荷卢联盟商标局。比荷卢没有统一的商标注册簿,效力覆盖比荷卢联盟所属3个国家。只要商标申请人依法交纳 商标申请费,比、荷、卢三国各商标注册局也可以受理商标申请。受理商标申请的机关应确保申请文件符合商标法规的要求。审核商标申请文件后,商标受理机关认 为商标申请符合法律规定的,应该出具申请受理书并注明商标正式申请日。商标申请人向比荷卢联盟商标局或各国家商标局提交一份商标注册申请,即可在比荷卢联 盟3个国家获得商标注册保护,但就比荷卢联盟各部分地区提交商标注册申请将不予受理。



Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg established a unified economic alliance due to reasons such as ethnicity, institution, economy, history and territorial border. Its headquarters is in Brussels. On February 3, 1958, the Treaty of the Economic Union of BiHollu was formally signed in The Hague, and entered into force on November 1, 1960 for 50 years. After the expiration of the period, it can be extended for 10 years. The purpose of the BHP is to develop relations among the three countries, coordinate financial and social affairs policies among the three countries, and strengthen the competitive position with the great powers.

In terms of trademark protection, BiHollu also has a unified set of laws to protect it. The trademark law of the Union of Belgium was approved by the Government of the Netherlands, the Government of Luxembourg and the Government of Belgium on April 25, 1963, August 19, 1968 and June 30, 1969, respectively. It entered into force on January 1, 1971, replacing the original trademark laws of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The Trademark Law was amended on 10 November 1983 and entered into force on 1 January 1987 ; administrative regulations in force on 1 July 1989 ; rules of Implementation effective 1 July 1989. In order to better adapt to the EC coordination decree, the BiHollu Union revised the trademark law and entered into force on January 1, 1996. At present, the effectiveness of a registration application can be protected by the three countries of BiHollu.


The acquisition of the trademark right of BiHollu is based on the principle of application first. The registered trademark categories are : commodity trademark, service trademark, series trademark, joint trademark, collective trademark, color trademark. The BHP uses trademark classification as the international classification of goods and services in Niss. A trademark application may refer to multiple categories of goods or services. However, when goods or services exceed three categories, each additional category requires additional costs.

Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are members of the ‘ Paris Convention ‘, ‘ Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks ‘ and ‘ Protocols relating to the Madrid Agreement on International Registration of Trademarks ‘, ‘ International Classification of Goods and Services for Trademark Registration ‘ and the World Intellectual Property Organization. Therefore, the application of the trademark can be registered by a single country or by Madrid international registration.


The acceptance department of the application for the trademark registration of BiHollu is the BiHollu Union Trademark Office in The Hague. There is no unified trademark registration book in Bihelu, and the effectiveness covers three countries belonging to the Bihelu Alliance. As long as the trademark applicants pay the trademark application fee according to law, the trademark registration bureaus of the three countries, Bi, Netherlands and Lu, can also accept the trademark application. The authority accepting trademark application should ensure that the application documents meet the requirements of trademark regulations. After reviewing the trademark application documents, if the trademark acceptance authority thinks that the trademark application conforms to the law, it should issue the application acceptance letter and indicate the official application date of the trademark. A trademark applicant submits a trademark registration application to the Trademark Office of the BHP or the National Trademark Office, which can obtain trademark registration protection in three countries of the BHP, but the application for trademark registration in various parts of the BHP will not be accepted.


先途 —知识产权合规、产品合规先途 —知识产权合规、产品合规
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